Thursday, September 8, 2011

The 451 library

The 451 library concept is based on the Fahrenheit 451 idea of burning all the books and people telling their story on a one to one basis, like reading a book.

The audience registers its interest and the “books” spend up to 30 minutes a session to tell their stories.
The audience can ask questions and the “book’ is free to answer or not. If the “book” feels uncomfortable, the “book” can stop the session at any time.
Similarly, the audience can “put down the book” at any time.

The “book” is one of the socially disadvantaged artists present in the Outsiders Festival. Any visitors to the Outsiders Festival can make a reservation for a “book”.

The 451 library performance will have one introductory session at the opening of the Outsiders Festival, on Wednesday, 2nd of November 2011, 2:30 PM and will be open for bookings until 6 PM on that day.
For bookings, contact: or Stefan Maguran at the opening of the Outsiders Festival.
The performances are being recorded on camera.

The books:
Lionel Yau, Mike Retter, Stefan Maguran, potentially others.

People willing to be considered to be “books” should contact: