Friday, December 4, 2009

My sincere gratitude

My sincere gratitude to all involved in the Outsiders Festival - Adelaide 2009
Apologies if I forget someone. My gratitude is still the same.
Miron Abramovici
Betty Anderson
The Crew from Australian Art Forum
Cameron Bache and the Crew form CAN SA
Mike Barr
Alex Bickford
Brad Buchel and the Crew form Art Forum Australia
Nicolle Cheung
Joanne Chua
N'Tarleeah Cleaver
Paul Collier and the Crew from Arts Access SA
Julie Corfe and the Crew
Ella Dent
Renee Doveal
Matthew Dowling
Glenn Drewitt
Bert Eitel
The Friendly Street Poets
Emma Fry and the Crew from The Parks
Space G
Dianne Gall
Grant Gittus
Jessica Gray
Mike Greenwood
Peter Grigoriadis and Muscular Teeth
Helene Henderson
Paul Hoban
Noel Hobbs
Mel Kelly and Recyclopath
Ava Leitner
Tanara Lindsay
Sarah McCarthy and her Crew
Michelle Mitolo and the Crew form the West Torrens Auditorium
Dana Nance
Graham Nance
Renate Nisi and the Crew form Club 68
Steve Oatway
Naomi O'Connor
Wendy Olsen
Beth Ory
Rose Parker
Gillian Pead
Francis Phelan
Peter Jungle Phillips
George Pivas
Angela Polglaze
Max Powers
Mike Retter
Mark Roberts
Brandon Ross and Lord Masque
Olga Sankey
Julie Stephens
Jim Thalassoudis
Elva Turner-Lindsay
Clifford Williams
Kerry Williams
Kimberly Williams
Leon Woods
Kirk Wright

SAFM, Raw Vision, Redbubble, Channel 31 Adelaide, The Messenger Newspapers, Adelaide Now, Triple M Adelaide,, NAVA, The Tutti ensemble, Google, The ABC,,

and all my family and friends for their unbelievable patience, love and support.