After 23 years of working in a Government defence environment and discovering ART after attending a welding course, I made a decsion to leave my job and dedicate my life to art. I took a package to get me started in 2004 since that time I have developed my website to share the amazing world of junk art with the world I have exhibited in many galleries in South Australia most recent 2009 SALA Festival, Northern Territory, twice in New York City in 2006 and Texas USA. I have appeared on TV, ABC Stateline, Ch 7 News, Ch31 Community Channel most major Adelaide newspapers, American publications, Nickelodeon, Gallery & Studio New York and many Radio Interviews.
Currently working as a fulltime artist in a restored Church at Punthari Mannum S.A after returning from two years living and working as a Team Leader Youth worker on the Imanpa Aboriginal Community in the Northern Territory teaching welding, junk art, entering exhibitions and creating short films on the making of art and the art processes.
Yours in ART
Currently working as a fulltime artist in a restored Church at Punthari Mannum S.A after returning from two years living and working as a Team Leader Youth worker on the Imanpa Aboriginal Community in the Northern Territory teaching welding, junk art, entering exhibitions and creating short films on the making of art and the art processes.
Yours in ART