I've been asked to clarify what is an Outsider.
After hosting for quite a while the Outsiders group on Redbubble, all I can say is that an Outsider is a person without prejudice who makes extremely good art.
Check it out for yourselves.
As nowadays people feel left out if they are not being categorised, here is a totally non-exhaustive and un-scientific list of what an Outsider can be:
1. other than professional artist
2. people excluded from visual arts organisations, forums, groups by peers
3. people isolated by the visual arts community
4. people despised by the visual arts community
5. people with no formal training making visual art
6. contestants given little chance of winning an art competition-a long shot
7. people using non-conventional methods or tools to make visual art
8. people not living in Australia and making visual art
9. people taking photographs outdoors
10. people not speaking English making visual art
11. people with disabilities making visual art
12. children making visual art
13. graffiti artists
14. buskers
15. street artists
16. prisoner artists – although they are mostly inside